;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: umlisp -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: parse-common.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Common, stable parsing routines for UMLisp ;;;; Author: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Created: Apr 2000 ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of UMLisp, is ;;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2006 by Kevin M. Rosenberg, M.D. ;;;; ;;;; UMLisp users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:umlisp) (defun ensure-ucols+ufiles (&optional (alwaysclear nil)) "Initialize all UMLS file and column structures if not already initialized" (handler-case (when (or alwaysclear (null *umls-files*)) (setf *umls-cols* nil *umls-files* nil) (gen-ufiles) (gen-ucols) (set-ucols-for-ufiles *umls-files*) (ensure-field-lengths)) (error (e) (warn "Error reading ucols+ufiles: ~A." e) (setf *umls-cols* nil *umls-files* nil) nil)) t) (defun add-ucols (ucols) "Adds a ucol or list of ucols to *umls-cols*. Returns input value." (setq *umls-cols* (append (mklist ucols) *umls-cols*)) ucols) (defun add-ufiles (ufiles) "Adds a ufile or list of ufiles to *umls-filess*. Returns input value." (setq *umls-files* (append (mklist ufiles) *umls-files*)) ufiles) (defun ufile-pathname (ufile &optional (extension "")) "Return pathname for a umls filename with an optional extension" (assert (typep ufile 'ufile)) (let* ((dirs (append (list (dir ufile)) (awhen (subdir ufile) (list it)))) (name-list (delimited-string-to-list (fil ufile) #\.)) (name (if (second name-list) (first name-list) (concatenate 'string (first name-list) (or extension "")))) (type (when (second name-list) (concatenate 'string (second name-list) (or extension ""))))) (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name name :type type :directory (cons :relative dirs)) *umls-path*))) (defun umls-pathname (filename &optional (extension "")) "Return pathname for a umls filename with an optional extension" (etypecase filename (string (let* ((name-list (delimited-string-to-list filename #\.)) (name (if (second name-list) (first name-list) (concatenate 'string (first name-list) (or extension "")))) (type (when (second name-list) (concatenate 'string (second name-list) (or extension ""))))) (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name name :type type) (case (schar filename 0) ((#\M #\m) *meta-path*) ((#\L #\l) *lex-path*) ((#\S #\s) *net-path*) (t *umls-path*))))) (pathname filename))) ;;; Find field lengths for LEX and NET files (defun ensure-field-lengths () "Initial colstruct field lengths for files that don't have a measurement. Currently, these are the LEX and NET files." (dolist (length-list (ufiles-field-lengths (ufiles-to-measure))) (destructuring-bind (filename fields-max fields-av) length-list (let ((file (find-ufile filename))) (unless file (error "Can't find ~A filename in ufiles" filename)) (unless (= (length fields-max) (length (fields file))) (error "Number of file fields ~A not equal to field count in ufile ~S" fields-max file)) (dotimes (i (length (fields file))) (declare (fixnum i)) (let* ((field (nth i (fields file))) (col (find-ucol field filename))) (unless col (error "can't find column ~A" field)) (setf (cmax col) (aref fields-max i)) (setf (av col) (aref fields-av i)) (ensure-ucol-datatype col (datatype-for-colname (col col))))))))) (defun ufiles-to-measure () "Returns a list of ufiles to measure" (loop for ufile in *umls-files* unless (or (char= #\M (schar (fil ufile) 0)) (char= #\m (schar (fil ufile) 0))) collect ufile)) (defun ufiles-field-lengths (ufiles) "Returns a list of lists of containing (FILE MAX AV)" (loop for ufile in ufiles collect (file-field-lengths ufile))) (defun file-field-lengths (ufile) "Returns a list of FILENAME MAX AV" (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (let (fields-max fields-av num-fields (count-lines 0)) (declare (fixnum count-lines)) (with-umls-ufile (line ufile) (unless num-fields (setq num-fields (length line)) (setq fields-max (make-array num-fields :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 0)) (setq fields-av (make-array num-fields :element-type '(or integer float) :initial-element 0))) (dotimes (i num-fields) (declare (fixnum i)) (let* ((str (nth i line)) (len (length #-(and clisp unicode) str #+(and clisp unicode) (if *octet-sql-storage* (ext:convert-string-to-bytes str charset:utf-8) str)))) #-(and clisp unicode) (declare (string str)) (declare (type (integer 0 10000000) len)) (incf (aref fields-av i) len) (when (> len (aref fields-max i)) (setf (aref fields-max i) len)))) (incf count-lines)) (dotimes (i num-fields) (setf (aref fields-av i) (float (/ (aref fields-av i) count-lines)))) (list (fil ufile) fields-max fields-av))) ;;; UMLS column/file functions (defun find-ucol-of-colname (colname filename ucols) "Returns list of umls-col structure for a column name and a filename" (dolist (ucol ucols nil) (when (and (string-equal filename (fil ucol)) (string-equal colname (col ucol))) (return-from find-ucol-of-colname ucol)))) (defun ensure-col-in-columns (colname filename ucols) (aif (find-ucol-of-colname colname filename ucols) it (add-ucols (make-ucol-for-column colname filename ucols)))) (defun make-ucol-for-column (colname filename ucols) ;; try to find column name without a terminal digit (let* ((len (length colname)) (last-digit? (digit-char-p (schar colname (1- len)))) (base-colname (if last-digit? (subseq colname 0 (1- len)) colname)) (ucol (when last-digit? (find-ucol-of-colname base-colname filename ucols)))) (when (and last-digit? (null ucol)) (error "Couldn't find a base column for col ~A in file ~A" colname filename)) (copy-or-new-ucol colname filename ucol))) (defun copy-or-new-ucol (colname filename ucol) (if ucol (make-instance 'ucol :col (copy-seq colname) :des (copy-seq (des ucol)) :ref (copy-seq (ref ucol)) :min (cmin ucol) :max (cmax ucol) :fil (copy-seq (fil ucol)) :sqltype (copy-seq (sqltype ucol)) :dty (copy-seq (dty ucol)) :parse-fun (parse-fun ucol) :quote-str (copy-seq (quote-str ucol)) :datatype (datatype ucol) :custom-value-fun (custom-value-fun ucol)) (make-empty-ucol colname filename))) (defun ensure-compiled-fun (fun) "Ensure that a function is compiled" (etypecase fun (null nil) (function (if (compiled-function-p fun) fun (compile nil fun))) (list (compile nil fun)))) (defun make-ucol (col des ref min av max fil dty &key (sqltype "VARCHAR") (parse-fun #'add-sql-quotes) (quote-str "'") (custom-value-fun)) (let ((ucol (make-instance 'ucol :col col :des des :ref ref :min min :av av :max (if (eql max 0) 1 max) ;; ensure at least one char wide :fil fil :dty dty :sqltype sqltype :quote-str quote-str :parse-fun (ensure-compiled-fun parse-fun) :custom-value-fun (ensure-compiled-fun custom-value-fun)))) (ensure-ucol-datatype ucol (datatype-for-colname col)) ucol)) (defun make-empty-ucol (colname filename) ;;(format "call in make-empty-ucol: ~A/~A" colname filename) (make-ucol (copy-seq colname) "Unknown" "" nil nil nil filename nil)) (defun find-ucol (colname filename) "Returns list of umls-col structure for a column name and a filename" (ensure-col-in-columns colname filename *umls-cols*)) (defun find-ufile (filename) "Returns umls-file structure for a filename" (find-if #'(lambda (f) (string= filename (fil f))) *umls-files*)) (defun position-field-file (filename fieldname) "Returns the position of a field in a file" (let ((ufile (find-ufile filename))) (unless ufile (warn "Unable to find ufile for filename ~A." filename) (return-from position-field-file nil)) (let ((pos (position fieldname (fields ufile) :test #'string=))) (unless pos (warn "Unable to find field ~A in ufile ~S." fieldname ufile) (return-from position-field-file nil)) pos))) (defun find-ucols-for-ufile (ufile) "Returns list of umls-cols for a file structure" (loop for colname in (fields ufile) collect (find-ucol colname (if (subdir ufile) (concatenate 'string (subdir ufile) "/" (fil ufile)) (fil ufile))))) (defun umls-field-string-to-list (fmt) "Converts a comma delimited list of fields into a list of field names. Will append a unique number (starting at 2) onto a column name that is repeated in the list" (let ((col-counts (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (loop for colname in (delimited-string-to-list (escape-column-name fmt) #\,) collect (multiple-value-bind (value found) (gethash colname col-counts) (cond (found (incf (gethash colname col-counts)) (concatenate 'string colname (write-to-string (1+ value)))) (t (setf (gethash colname col-counts) 1) colname)))))) (defun decompose-fil (fil) (if fil (let ((pos (position #\/ fil))) (if pos (values (subseq fil (1+ pos)) (subseq fil 0 pos)) (values fil nil))) (values nil nil))) (defun filename-to-tablename (file) (let ((pos (search ".RRF" file))) (when pos (setf file (subseq file 0 pos)))) (substitute #\_ #\. file)) (defun make-ufile (dir fil des cls rws bts fields) (multiple-value-bind (file subdir) (decompose-fil fil) (let ((ufile (make-instance 'ufile :dir dir :fil file :subdir subdir :des des :cls cls :rws rws :bts bts :fields fields :table (filename-to-tablename file)))) ufile))) (defun set-ucols-for-ufiles (ufiles) (dolist (ufile ufiles) (setf (ucols ufile) (find-ucols-for-ufile ufile)))) (defun datatype-for-colname (colname) "Return datatype for column name" (second (find colname +col-datatypes+ :key #'car :test #'string-equal))) (defun canonicalize-column-type (type) (cond ((string-equal type "TINYINT") (case *umls-sql-type* (:mysql "TINYINT") ((:postgresql :postgresql-socket) "INT1") (:oracle "NUMBER(3,0)") (t "INTEGER"))) ((string-equal type "SMALLINT") (case *umls-sql-type* (:mysql "SMALLINT") ((:postgresql :postgresql-socket) "INT2") (:oracle "NUMBER(5,0)") (t "INTEGER"))) ((string-equal type "INTEGER") (case *umls-sql-type* (:mysql "INTEGER") ((:postgresql :postgresql-socket) "INT4") (:oracle "NUMBER(9,0)") (t "INTEGER"))) ((string-equal type "BIGINT") (case *umls-sql-type* (:mysql "BIGINT") ((:postgresql :postgresql-socket) "INT8") (:oracle "NUMBER(38,0)") (t "INTEGER"))) ((string-equal type "TEXT") (case *umls-sql-type* (:mysql "TEXT") ((:postgresql :postgresql-socket) "TEXT") (:oracle "VARCHAR2(3000)") (t "VARCHAR(3000)"))) ((string-equal type "VARCHAR") (case *umls-sql-type* (:mysql "VARCHAR") ((:postgresql :postgresql-socket) "VARCHAR") (:oracle "VARCHAR2") (t "VARCHAR"))) ((string-equal type "NUMERIC") (case *umls-sql-type* (:mysql "NUMERIC") ((:postgresql :postgresql-socket) "NUMERIC") (:oracle "NUMBER") (t "NUMERIC"))) (t type))) (defun ensure-ucol-datatype (col datatype) "Add data type information to column" (setf (datatype col) datatype) (case datatype (sql-u (setf (sqltype col) (canonicalize-column-type "INTEGER") (parse-fun col) #'parse-ui (quote-str col) "")) (sql-s (setf (sqltype col) (canonicalize-column-type "SMALLINT") (parse-fun col) #'parse-integer (quote-str col) "")) (sql-l (setf (sqltype col) (canonicalize-column-type "BIGINT") (parse-fun col) #'parse-integer (quote-str col) "")) (sql-i (setf (sqltype col) (canonicalize-column-type "INTEGER") (parse-fun col) #'parse-integer (quote-str col) "")) (sql-t (setf (sqltype col) (canonicalize-column-type "TINYINT") (parse-fun col) #'parse-integer (quote-str col) "")) (sql-f (setf (sqltype col) (canonicalize-column-type "NUMERIC") (parse-fun col) #'read-from-string (quote-str col) "")) (t ; Default column type, optimized text storage (setf (parse-fun col) #'add-sql-quotes (quote-str col) "'") (when (and (cmax col) (av col)) (if (> (cmax col) 255) (setf (sqltype col) (canonicalize-column-type "TEXT")) (setf (sqltype col) (canonicalize-column-type "VARCHAR"))))))) (defun escape-column-name (name) (substitute #\_ #\/ name))