;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; Package: umlisp -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; FILE IDENTIFICATION ;;;; ;;;; Name: parse-rrf.lisp ;;;; Purpose: Parsing and SQL insertion routines for UMLisp which may ;;;; change from year to year ;;;; Author: Kevin M. Rosenberg ;;;; Created: Apr 2000 ;;;; ;;;; This file, part of UMLisp, is ;;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2010 by Kevin M. Rosenberg, M.D. ;;;; ;;;; UMLisp users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the GNU General Public License. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package #:umlisp) ;;; Pre-read data for custom fields into hash tables (defvar *preparse-hash-init?* nil) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (declaim (inline srl-to-srlus)) (defun srl-to-srlus (srl) "Convert the standard SRL category to one oriented for use in the ~ United States. Specifically, SRL 4 in the USA has license restrictions ~ between SRL 1 and 2 when used in the United States. As of 2009AA, the SNOMED SRL changed from 4 to 9. So we create a new scale ~ (SRLUS) where SRL to SRLUS mapping is: ~ (0->0, 1->1, 4->2, 9->2, 2->3, 3->4)." (declare (type (integer 0 100) srl)) (cond ((<= srl 1) srl) ((= srl 4) 2) ((= srl 9) 2) ((= srl 2) 3) ((= srl 3) 4) (t srl))) (defvar *vff-position-hash* (make-hash-table :size 100 :test 'eq)) (defmacro vff (filename fieldname record) (let ((pos (gensym "POS-")) (found (gensym "FOUND-")) (key (kmrcl:ensure-keyword (concatenate 'string filename "^" fieldname)))) `(locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (multiple-value-bind (,pos ,found) (gethash ,key *vff-position-hash*) (declare (ignore ,found)) (if ,pos (locally (declare (type (integer 0 100000) ,pos)) (nth ,pos ,record)) (let ((,pos (position-field-file ,filename ,fieldname))) (unless ,pos (error "Did not find fieldname ~A in filename ~A." ,fieldname ,filename)) (locally (declare (type (integer 0 100000) ,pos)) (setf (gethash ,key *vff-position-hash*) ,pos) (nth ,pos ,record)))))))) (let ((pfstr-hash nil) ;; Preferred concept strings by CUI (cui-lrl-hash nil) ;; LRL by CUI (lui-lrl-hash nil) ;; LRL by LUI (sui-lrl-hash nil) ;; LRL by SUI (cuisui-lrl-hash nil) ;; LRL by CUISUI (cui-lrlus-hash nil) ;; LRLUS by CUI (lui-lrlus-hash nil) ;; LRLUS by LUI (sui-lrlus-hash nil) ;; LRLUS by SUI (cuisui-lrlus-hash nil) ;; LRL by CUISUI (sab-srl-hash nil) (sab-srlus-hash nil)) ;; SRL by SAB (defun clear-preparse-hash-tables () (clrhash pfstr-hash) (clrhash cui-lrl-hash) (clrhash lui-lrl-hash) (clrhash sui-lrl-hash) (clrhash cuisui-lrl-hash) (clrhash cui-lrlus-hash) (clrhash lui-lrlus-hash) (clrhash sui-lrlus-hash) (clrhash cuisui-lrlus-hash) (clrhash sab-srl-hash) (clrhash sab-srlus-hash)) (defun make-preparse-hash-table () (if sui-lrl-hash (clear-preparse-hash-tables) (setf pfstr-hash (make-hash-table :size 1500000) cui-lrl-hash (make-hash-table :size 1500000) lui-lrl-hash (make-hash-table :size 5000000) sui-lrl-hash (make-hash-table :size 6000000) cuisui-lrl-hash (make-hash-table :size 6000000) cui-lrlus-hash (make-hash-table :size 1500000) lui-lrlus-hash (make-hash-table :size 5000000) sui-lrlus-hash (make-hash-table :size 6000000) cuisui-lrlus-hash (make-hash-table :size 6000000) sab-srl-hash (make-hash-table :size 200 :test 'equal) sab-srlus-hash (make-hash-table :size 200 :test 'equal)))) (defun ensure-preparse (&optional (force-read nil)) (when (and *preparse-hash-init?* (not force-read)) (return-from ensure-preparse 'already-done)) (make-preparse-hash-table) (let ((counter 0)) (declare (fixnum counter) (ignorable counter)) (with-umls-file (line "MRCONSO.RRF") (let* ((cui (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "CUI" line))) (lui (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "LUI" line))) (sui (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "SUI" line))) (sab (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "SAB" line)) (srl (parse-integer (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "SRL" line))) (srlus (srl-to-srlus srl)) (cuisui (make-cuisui cui sui))) #+sbcl (when (= 0 (mod (incf counter) 100000)) (sb-ext:gc :full t)) ;; pfstr deprecated by KPFENG field in MRCONSO #+nil (unless (gethash cui pfstr-hash) ;; if haven't stored pfstr for cui (when (and (string-equal (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "LAT" line) "ENG") (string-equal (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "TS" line) "P") (string-equal (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "STT" line) "PF")) (setf (gethash cui pfstr-hash) (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "STR" line)))) (set-lrl-hash cui srl cui-lrl-hash) (set-lrl-hash lui srl lui-lrl-hash) (set-lrl-hash sui srl sui-lrl-hash) (set-lrl-hash cuisui srl cuisui-lrl-hash) (set-lrl-hash cui srlus cui-lrlus-hash) (set-lrl-hash lui srlus lui-lrlus-hash) (set-lrl-hash sui srlus sui-lrlus-hash) (set-lrl-hash cuisui srlus cuisui-lrlus-hash) (multiple-value-bind (val found) (gethash sab sab-srl-hash) (declare (ignore val)) (unless found (setf (gethash sab sab-srl-hash) srl))) (multiple-value-bind (val found) (gethash sab sab-srlus-hash) (declare (ignore val)) (unless found (setf (gethash sab sab-srlus-hash) srlus)))))) (setq *preparse-hash-init?* t) t) #+nil (defun pfstr-hash (cui) (gethash cui pfstr-hash)) (defun cui-lrl (cui) (gethash cui cui-lrl-hash)) (defun lui-lrl (lui) (gethash lui lui-lrl-hash)) (defun sui-lrl (sui) (gethash sui sui-lrl-hash)) (defun cuisui-lrl (cuisui) (gethash cuisui cuisui-lrl-hash)) (defun cui-lrlus (cui) (gethash cui cui-lrlus-hash)) (defun lui-lrlus (lui) (gethash lui lui-lrlus-hash)) (defun sui-lrlus (sui) (gethash sui sui-lrlus-hash)) (defun cuisui-lrlus (cuisui) (gethash cuisui cuisui-lrlus-hash)) (defun sab-srl (sab) (aif (gethash sab sab-srl-hash) it 0)) (defun sab-srlus (sab) (aif (gethash sab sab-srlus-hash) it 0)) )) ;; closure (defun set-lrl-hash (key srl hash) "Set the least restrictive level in hash table" (declare (fixnum srl)) (multiple-value-bind (hash-lrl found) (gethash key hash) (declare (type (or null fixnum) hash-lrl) (boolean found)) (if (or (not found) (< srl hash-lrl)) (setf (gethash key hash) srl)))) ;; UMLS file and column structures ;;; SQL datatypes symbols ;;; sql-u - Unique identifier ;;; sql-t - Tiny integer (8-bit) ;;; sql-s - Small integer (16-bit) ;;; sql-i - Integer (32-bit) ;;; sql-l - Big integer (64-bit) ;;; sql-f - Floating point ;;; sql-c - Character data (defparameter +col-datatypes+ '(("AV" sql-f) ("BTS" sql-i) ("CLS" sql-i) ("COF" sql-i) ("CUI1" sql-u) ("AUI" sql-u) ("AUI1" sql-u) ("AUI2" sql-u) ("PCUI" sql-u) ("PLUI" sql-u) ("PAUI" sql-u) ("RUI" sql-u) ("CUI2" sql-u) ("CUI" sql-u) ("CXN" sql-s) ("FR" sql-i) ("LUI" sql-u) ("MAX" sql-s) ("MIN" sql-s) ("RANK" sql-s) ("REF" sql-c) ("PTR" sql-c) ("RNK" sql-s) ("RWS" sql-i) ("SRL" sql-t) ("SUI" sql-u) ("TUI" sql-u) ("MAPRANK" sql-s) ;;; Custom columns ("KCUISUI" sql-l) ("KCUILUI" sql-l) ("KSRL" sql-t) ("KSRLUS" sql-t) ("LRL" sql-t) ("LRLUS" sql-t) ("KCUILRL" sql-t) ("KLUILRL" sql-t) ("KSUILRL" sql-t) ("KLRL" sql-t) ("KCUILRLUS" sql-t) ("KLUILRLUS" sql-t) ("KSUILRLUS" sql-t) ("KLRLUS" sql-t) ;;; LEX columns ("EUI" sql-u) ("EUI2" sql-u) ;;; Semantic net columns ("UI" sql-u) ("UI2" sql-u) ("UI3" sql-u) ;; New fields for 2002AD ("RCUI" sql-u) ("VCUI" sql-u) ("CFR" sql-i) ("TFR" sql-i) ;; New fields for 2004AA ("MAPSETCUI" sql-u) ) "SQL data types for each non-string column") (defparameter +custom-tables+ nil #+ignore '(("KCON" "SELECT CUI,STR FROM MRCONSO WHERE STT='PF' AND TS='P' AND ISPREF='Y' AND LAT='ENG'")) "Custom tables to create") (defparameter +custom-cols+ '(#+nil ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KPFSTR" "TEXT" (slot-value (find-ucol "STR" "MRCONSO.RRF") 'max) (lambda (x) (pfstr-hash (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "CUI" x))))) ;; Set to 1 if term is prefered term for english ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KPFENG" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (if (and (string-equal (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "LAT" x) "ENG") (string-equal (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "TS" x) "P") (string-equal (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "STT" x) "PF")) "1" "0"))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KCUISUI" "BIGINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "SUI" x)))))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KCUILUI" "BIGINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (make-cuilui (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "LUI" x)))))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KCUILRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cui-lrl (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "CUI" x)))))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KCUILRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cui-lrlus (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "CUI" x)))))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KLUILRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (lui-lrl (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "LUI" x)))))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KLUILRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (lui-lrlus (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "LUI" x)))))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KSUILRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sui-lrl (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "SUI" x)))))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KSUILRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sui-lrlus (parse-ui (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "SUI" x)))))) ("MRCONSO.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (srl-to-srlus (parse-integer (vff "MRCONSO.RRF" "SRL" x)))))) ("MRSAB.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (srl-to-srlus (parse-integer (vff "MRSAB.RRF" "SRL" x)))))) ("MRSTY.RRF" "KLRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cui-lrl (parse-ui (vff "MRSTY.RRF" "CUI" x)))))) ("MRSTY.RRF" "KLRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cui-lrlus (parse-ui (vff "MRSTY.RRF" "CUI" x)))))) #+mrcoc ("MRCOC.RRF" "KLRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (max (cui-lrl (parse-ui (vff "MRCOC.RRF" "CUI1" x))) (kmrcl:aif (cui-lrl (parse-ui (vff "MRCOC.RRF" "CUI2" x))) kmrcl::it 0))))) #+mrcoc ("MRCOC.RRF" "KLRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (max (cui-lrlus (parse-ui (vff "MRCOC.RRF" "CUI1" x))) (kmrcl:aif (cui-lrl (parse-ui (vff "MRCOC.RRF" "CUI2" x))) kmrcl::it 0))))) ("MRSAT.RRF" "KSRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srl (vff "MRSAT.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRSAT.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srlus (vff "MRSAT.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRREL.RRF" "KSRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srl (vff "MRREL.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRREL.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srlus (vff "MRREL.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRRANK.RRF" "KSRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srl (vff "MRRANK.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRRANK.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srlus (vff "MRRANK.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRHIER.RRF" "KSRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srl (vff "MRHIER.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRHIER.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srlus (vff "MRHIER.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRMAP.RRF" "KSRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srl (vff "MRMAP.RRF" "MAPSETSAB" x))))) ("MRMAP.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srlus (vff "MRMAP.RRF" "MAPSETSAB" x))))) ("MRSMAP.RRF" "KSRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srl (vff "MRSMAP.RRF" "MAPSETSAB" x))))) ("MRSMAP.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srlus (vff "MRSMAP.RRF" "MAPSETSAB" x))))) ("MRDEF.RRF" "KSRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srl (vff "MRDEF.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRDEF.RRF" "KSRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (sab-srlus (vff "MRDEF.RRF" "SAB" x))))) ("MRXW_ENG.RRF" "KLRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cuisui-lrl (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) ("MRXW_ENG.RRF" "KLRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cuisui-lrlus (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) ("MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "KLRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cuisui-lrl (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) ("MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "KLRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cuisui-lrlus (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) ("MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "KLRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cuisui-lrl (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) ("MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "KLRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cuisui-lrlus (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) ("MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "KLRL" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cuisui-lrl (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) ("MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "KLRLUS" "TINYINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (cuisui-lrlus (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) #+nil ("MRREL.RRF" "KPFSTR2" "TEXT" 1024 (lambda (x) (pfstr-hash (parse-ui (vff "MRREL.RRF" "CUI2" x))))) #+mrcoc ("MRCOC.RRF" "KPFSTR2" "TEXT" 1024 (lambda (x) (pfstr-hash (parse-ui (vff "MRCOC.RRF" "CUI2" x))))) ("MRSAT.RRF" "KCUILUI" "BIGINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (make-cuilui (parse-ui (vff "MRSAT.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRSAT.RRF" "LUI" x)))))) ("MRSAT.RRF" "KCUISUI" "BIGINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRSAT.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRSAT.RRF" "SUI" x)))))) ("MRXW_ENG.RRF" "KCUISUI" "BIGINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x)))))) ("MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "KCUISUI" "BIGINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXNW_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x)))))) ("MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "KCUISUI" "BIGINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXNS_ENG.RRF" "SUI" x)))))) ("MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "LAT" "VARCHAR" 3 (lambda (x) (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "LAT" x))) ("MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "WD" "VARCHAR" 200 (lambda (x) (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "WD" x))) ("MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "CUI" "INTEGER" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "CUI" x))))) ("MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "LUI" "INTEGER" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "LUI" x))))) ("MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "SUI" "INTEGER" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))) ("MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "KCUISUI" "BIGINT" 0 (lambda (x) (write-to-string (make-cuisui (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "CUI" x)) (parse-ui (vff "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "SUI" x))))))) "Custom columns to create.(filename, col, sqltype, value-func).") (defparameter +index-cols+ '( #+mrcoc ("CUI1" "MRCOC") #+mrcoc ("KLRL" "MRCOC") #+mrcoc ("KLRLUS" "MRCOC") ("CUI" "MRCONSO") ("LUI" "MRCONSO") ("SRL" "MRCONSO") ("KSRLUS" "MRCONSO") ("AUI" "MRCONSO") ("KPFENG" "MRCONSO") ("SUI" "MRCONSO") ("SAUI" "MRCONSO") ("CODE" "MRCONSO") ("SCUI" "MRCONSO") ("CUI" "MRDEF") ("CUI1" "MRREL") ("CUI2" "MRREL") ("SAB" "MRREL") ("RUI" "MRREL") ("AUI1" "MRREL") ("AUI2" "MRREL") ("CUI" "MRSAT") ("LUI" "MRSAT") ("SUI" "MRSAT") ("METAUI" "MRSAT") ("ATN" "MRSAT") ("CUI" "MRSTY") ("TUI" "MRSTY") ("CUI" "MRXNS_ENG") ("AUI" "MRHIER") ("CUI" "MRHIER") ("CXN" "MRHIER") ("RELA" "MRHIER") ("PAUI" "MRHIER") ("SAB" "MRHIER") ("NSTR" "MRXNS_ENG" 255) ("CUI" "MRXNW_ENG") ("NWD" "MRXNW_ENG") ("WD" "MRXW_ENG") ("KCUISUI" "MRCONSO") ("KCUILUI" "MRCONSO") ("KCUILRL" "MRCONSO") ("KLUILRL" "MRCONSO") ("KSUILRL" "MRCONSO") ("KCUILRLUS" "MRCONSO") ("KLUILRLUS" "MRCONSO") ("KSUILRLUS" "MRCONSO") ("KCUISUI" "MRSAT") ("KCUILUI" "MRSAT") ("KCUISUI" "MRXW_ENG") ("KCUISUI" "MRXNW_ENG") ("KCUISUI" "MRXNS_ENG") ("KCUISUI" "MRXW_NONENG") ("KSRL" "MRDEF") ("KSRL" "MRRANK")("KSRL" "MRREL") ("KSRL" "MRSAT") ("KSRLUS" "MRDEF") ("KSRLUS" "MRRANK")("KSRLUS" "MRREL") ("KSRLUS" "MRSAT") ("KLRL" "MRSTY") ("KLRL" "MRXW_ENG") ("KLRL" "MRXNW_ENG") ("KLRLUS" "MRSTY") ("KLRLUS" "MRXW_ENG") ("KLRLUS" "MRXNW_ENG") ("KLRL" "MRXNS_ENG") ("KLRL" "MRXW_NONENG") ("KLRLUS" "MRXNS_ENG") ("KLRLUS" "MRXW_NONENG") ;; LEX indices ("EUI" "LRABR") ("EUI2" "LRABR") ("EUI" "LRAGR") ("EUI" "LRCMP") ("EUI" "LRMOD") ("EUI" "LRNOM") ("EUI2" "LRNOM") ("EUI" "LRPRN") ("EUI" "LRPRP") ("EUI" "LRSPL") ("EUI" "LRTRM") ("EUI" "LRTYP") ("EUI" "LRWD") ("WRD" "LRWD") ("BAS" "LRABR") ;; Semantic NET indices ("UI" "SRSTRE1") ("UI2" "SRSTRE1") ("UI3" "SRSTRE1") ("STY_RL" "SRDEF") ("RT" "SRDEF") ("STY_RL" "SRSTR") ("STY_RL2" "SRSTR") ("RL" "SRSTR") ("SRL" "MRSAB") ("KSRLUS" "MRSAB") ("RSAB" "MRSAB") ("VSAB" "MRSAB") ("RCUI" "MRSAB") ("VCUI" "MRSAB") ("LAT" "MRSAB") ("MAPSETCUI" "MRMAP") ("MAPSETCUI" "MRSMAP")) "Columns in files to index") (defparameter +custom-index-cols+ nil #+ignore '(("CUI" "KCON") ("LRL" "KCON")) "Indexes to custom tables") ;; File & Column functions (defun gen-ucols () (add-ucols (gen-ucols-meta)) (add-ucols (gen-ucols-generic "LRFLD")) (add-ucols (gen-ucols-generic "SRFLD")) (add-ucols (gen-ucols-custom))) (defun gen-ucols-meta () "Initialize all umls columns" (let ((cols '())) (with-umls-file (line "MRCOLS.RRF") (destructuring-bind (col des ref min av max fil dty) line (push (make-ucol col des ref (parse-integer min) (read-from-string av) (parse-integer max) fil dty) cols))) (nreverse cols))) (defun gen-ucols-custom () "Initialize umls columns for custom columns" (loop for customcol in +custom-cols+ collect (make-ucol (nth 1 customcol) "" 0 0 0 (eval (nth 3 customcol)) (nth 0 customcol) nil :sqltype (canonicalize-column-type (nth 2 customcol)) :custom-value-fun (compile nil (nth 4 customcol))))) (defun gen-ucols-generic (col-filename) "Initialize for generic (LEX/NET) columns" (let ((cols '())) (with-umls-file (line col-filename) (destructuring-bind (nam des ref fil) line (setq nam (escape-column-name nam)) (dolist (file (delimited-string-to-list fil #\,)) (push (make-ucol nam des ref nil nil nil file nil) cols)))) (nreverse cols))) (defun gen-ufiles () (add-ufiles (gen-ufiles-generic "MRFILES.RRF" "META")) (add-ufiles (gen-ufiles-generic "LRFIL" "LEX")) (add-ufiles (gen-ufiles-generic "SRFIL" "NET")) ;; needs to come last (add-ufiles (gen-ufiles-custom))) (defun gen-ufiles-generic (files-filename dir) "Initialize generic UMLS file structures" (let ((files '())) (with-umls-file (line files-filename) (destructuring-bind (fil des fmt cls rws bts) line (push (make-ufile dir fil des (parse-integer cls) (parse-integer rws) (parse-integer bts) (concatenate 'list (umls-field-string-to-list fmt) (custom-colnames-for-filename fil))) files))) (nreverse files))) (defun gen-ufiles-custom () (make-ufile "META" "MRXW_NONENG.RRF" "Custom NonEnglish Index" 5 0 0 (fields (find-ufile "MRXW_ENG.RRF"))))