WDQ2WAV(1) WDQ2WAV(1) NNAAMMEE wdq2wav - convert a WinDAQ file channel to a wav file SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS wwddqq22wwaavv [[OOPPTTIIOONNSS]] wwiinnddaaqq--ffiillee cchhaannnneell--nnuummbbeerr wwaavv--ffiillee DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN wwddqq22wwaavv extracts a channel from a WinDAQ file and produces a .wav file. If the command line parameters of the windaq-file, channel-number, and wav-file are not given, then the program will prompt the user to enter thos values when the program is run. OOPPTTIIOONNSS --pp Play channel through audio system --vv Verbose mode --qq Quiet mode --hh Show summary of options. --rr Show version of program. AAUUTTHHOORR This manual page was written by Kevin M. Rosenberg . January 20, 2003 WDQ2WAV(1)