descriptionCommon Lisp library providing Smart, linked objects using metaobject protocol
ownerKevin Rosenberg
last changeThu, 1 Oct 2020 22:20:41 +0000 (22:20 +0000)
2020-10-01 Kevin M. RosenbergAutomated commit for debian release 2.13-1 master
2020-10-01 Kevin M. RosenbergNew debian package
2020-10-01 Kevin M. RosenbergUse modern ASDF test-op. SB-MOP changes for latest...
2020-08-28 Kevin M. RosenbergUse newer ASDF test-op symantics
2015-08-29 Kevin M. RosenbergMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2015-08-29 Kevin M. RosenbergUpdate domain name to
2013-04-09 Kevin M. RosenbergFix cdata package
2013-04-09 Kevin M. RosenbergFix xml printing
2011-07-08 Kevin M. RosenbergFix lintian warnings debian-2.12.0-1 v2.12.0
2011-07-08 Kevin M. RosenbergUpdate documentation building
2011-07-08 Kevin M. RosenbergAdd missing call when finalizing class
2011-07-08 Kevin M. RosenbergGuard against non-string data
2010-02-23 Kevin M. RosenbergRelax generic function typing
2009-08-03 Kevin RosenbergConvert to dh-lisp; add Vcs-Browser debian-2.11.0-3
2009-08-02 Kevin RosenbergUpdates for new debian standards debian-2.11.0-2
2007-08-31 Kevin M. Rosenbergr11859: Canonicalize whitespace
13 years ago debian-2.12.0-1 Tag for debian release 2.12.0-1
13 years ago v2.12.0 Tag for upstream version 2.12.0
14 years ago debian-2.11.0-3 Tag for debian release 2.11.0-3
14 years ago debian-2.11.0-2 Tag for debian release 2.11.0-2
3 years ago master